ARTIST SubmissionS

The 805 Room at Voracious RECORDS  

If you are deeply driven to succeed, have something special to say musically, and are willing to take responsibility for your part of the ongoing work, reach out using the form below.

  • Consistent activity on social media platforms is preferred.

  • Demonstrated dedication to achieving success in the music industry.

  • Willingness to commit to long-term career development.

  • Genuine passion for collaborative creative work.

  • Proven proficiency in songwriting, vocal, or instrumental skills.

  • Emphasis on being a team player with a collaborative spirit; we discourage diva-like attitudes.

  • Ability to set clear and achievable goals.

  • Capability to define and articulate your artistic identity or brand.

  • A positive and patient disposition.

  • Self-assurance and confidence in your abilities.

  • A basic understanding of the music production process.

  • Willingness and openness to receive constructive criticism and guidance.


If a new artist's single falls in the streaming forest, does anyone hear it? Not without a lot of help.

-Voracious Records